Nashville, Tennessee
Recently featured on Jack White’s album, “Lazaretto”, Nashville based harpist and songwriter Timbre has been enchanting audiences throughout the US and Europe in growing numbers with her unique brand of harp-fronted chamber-folk. Her career has caught the attention of the music world, and has led to her recording and collaborating with rock legends Jack White, Tom Jones, Ricky Skaggs, and rock bands such as mewithoutYou, O’Brother, Brooke Waggoner, and The Chariot. The pairing of Timbre’s classically trained voice and harp skills with the dynamic sounds of her talented backing band have entranced crowd after crowd, often bringing complete stillness to crowded bars and festivals, silencing audiences of thousands. With her creative and innovative bandmates Chris Leidhecker (drums) and Camille Faulkner (violin), Timbre creates lush soundscapes that pull in listeners of every background. Sometimes haunting, sometimes driving, sometimes unabashedly joyful, Timbre is a musical experience that is completely unique and compelling, reminding listeners that music can move us like nothing else can.